My Favorite things about my teammates at Hacker Noon

Austin cares so much. easily one of the most empathetic people I know. Always humble. With a bit of sass (i mean have you look at his git push?)

Utsav wears multiple hats. Always goes above and beyond. A little Debby downer sometimes but we need realists as well as dreamers to make a team

Natasha values quality over quantity, always. Her work is always top notch.

the unapologetic anarchist in Dane. Breaks all the boxes, goes beyond the facade, comes up with something new no one has even thought of!

Hang: my real boss. I do everything she says. Knows all our numbers better than me.

Richard for (not so) secretly controlling all the codes that will make this thread live. Like he prob can change my favorite thing about anyone if he wants! But seriously though, he builds this whole thing from A to Z and deserves nothing short of total appreciation

Storm who breaks our hearts by leaving full time for shiny new job in Germany. He is soooooooo good it hurts. But lucky for us, he still sticks around and some days it almost feels like he never left at all .

Arthur because we don’t deserve him No one cares about the bottom line like Arthur does. Also for secretly employing people for months to make everyone’s job better before we even knew about them.

Daria who singlehandedly takes care of social media marketing like a boss! Admire her independence and can-do attitude

the new kid on the block The new kid on the block Limarc for already making so much splash editorially and SEO-wide. Also, he doesn’t know who RBG is which humbles me and gives me new hope that the US is, in fact, not the center of the world it always thought it is.

and lastly my brother Kien (before you hammer me, we all knew cronyism was alive and well the day my husband David appointed me as his COO) , for proving me that my mom was only a little biased about his skills, taste, and character.